Thursday, June 14, 2012

End User SharePoint Solutions

End User SharePoint Solutions

IT departments that tightly control access to SharePoint usually struggle to sell the value of the program to their organization. For many companies, the way to unlock SharePoint’s potential is to hand the design keys to end users.

Many IT departments roll out SharePoint in the same way they would roll out an Exchange server, without consideration or input from other departments. Consequently, after a voluntary 10 minute overview or a truncated list of features, the end users return to their desks and return to the old way of doing things.

SharePoint can solve end user problems if end users have access to the system’s design tools. It gives non-technical end users the ability to address their communication issues and business problems without needing to learn code. Simple actions like uploading documents and creating calendared events require no training at all.

While IT and management often pursue large, organization-wide SharePoint solutions, like document management or client portals, end users can gain a lot of value by solving the issues and inefficiencies that impede their day with the help of SharePoint. These small issues may not be visible from outside their departments or groups.

For example, an accounts payable group may be able to streamline invoice approval by moving the process into a workflow, or using workspaces for each vendor. Production may be able to improve communication between shifts with a bulletin board. Shipping may need to use a calendar to communicate schedules and shifts.

SharePoint for IT

IT, of course, should play a big role in managing the SharePoint site. IT should maintain the site. They should lead the charge for controlling site sprawl and duplication of content by working with end users to create a SharePoint governance plan. IT should also play a role helping to define the document taxonomy.

Of course, SharePoint is an excellent tool for organizing work within the IT department, simplifying IT Help Desk Ticketing, sharing information with internal customers, and addressing other IT communication issues.

SharePoint solutions have a wide range of applications, some of which are only visible to non-technical end users. Organizations that embrace SharePoint by allowing and encouraging innovation from end users see their return in a variety of ways that are difficult to anticipate.

See a similar article on our main training blog and IT Support sites.

1 comment:

  1. Really A very good writing on Micsrosoft Sharepoint.. I have bookmarked it.

    Microsoft SharePoint 2012
